Oyster theft, lease damage & illegal sales
The oyster aquaculture permit holder owns all oysters cultivated on the lease area. It is an offence under the Crimes Act (1990) to steal oysters and under the Fisheries Management Act (1994) to remove oysters or other cultivated species.
Operation Trident is an on-going operation since 2007 involving officers from NSW Police, NSW DPI and NSW Food Authority that targets the theft and illegal sale of oysters in NSW. This multi-agency operation allows for the sharing of resources, intelligence and information that will better enable those responsible for the theft and illegal sale of oysters to be caught. Instances of theft should be reported using the Operation Trident Oyster Theft Reporting Form available to download here.
Operation Trident is an on-going operation since 2007 involving officers from NSW Police, NSW DPI and NSW Food Authority that targets the theft and illegal sale of oysters in NSW. This multi-agency operation allows for the sharing of resources, intelligence and information that will better enable those responsible for the theft and illegal sale of oysters to be caught. Instances of theft should be reported using the Operation Trident Oyster Theft Reporting Form available to download here.
Farmers should report all thefts to the police for investigation in the first instance, by calling the police assistance line on 131444. |
Local fisheries officers should then be informed so that patrols can observe any suspicious activity and liaise with the police and farmers to reduce further theft. Contact numbers for local fisheries officers can be found here. |
NSW DPI have also produced some guidelines to help prevent oyster theft, which can be downloaded here.
LEASE DAMAGE & stock loss
NSW DPI have an online mechanism to report infrastructure damage and stock loss. It is important to document this information as it helps government understand the extent of impact, and helps to target resources to your area.
Please follow this link to access online reporting
Under the "Is there damage?" category, tick "Fisheries" and you can report stock loss and infrastructure damage.
Please follow this link to access online reporting
Under the "Is there damage?" category, tick "Fisheries" and you can report stock loss and infrastructure damage.
Illegal sales
Reports about illegal sale or unlicensed business seeling oysters and other shellfish should be directed to the NSW Food Authority Helpline on 1300 552 406 (08:30 - 17:30, Monday to Friday), or by email [email protected].
In late 2017, OceanWatch developed some signage to deter oyster theft and lease damage, whilst at the same time building support for the oyster industry.
Reflective stickers were printed (50cm x 13cm) and distributed to industry where possible. Some additional funding was also found to produce hard panels of the artwork on the south coast of NSW. Farmers are welcome to download the artwork below, and organise to get your own printing done locally. Various sizes are available: NOTE - Ccommunity members should report theft via the Crimestoppers telephone number indicated on the signs (1800 333 000). The Police Assistance Line indicated on the Operation Trident Oyster Theft Reporting Form (131444) is set-up for the victims of crime. |