How can you help?
1. Fence off cattle from creeks and mangrove areas. It is illegal in NSW to allow stock to graze or trample on mangroves and other marine vegetation.
2. Dispose of all chemicals properly; follow disposal directions on the label. Remember that gutters and stormwater drains deliver water and contaminants directly to your local waterway. 3. Ensure that stormwater run-off from your property is not contaminated with chemicals, animal effluent or any other pollutant. Pick up after your pet. 4. Understand how to use you septic system and make sue regular maintenance inspections are conducted. Failing septic systems can leak into the groundwater and eventually end up in the waterway. |
5. Establish vegetative buffer zones on the banks of rivers and creeks. These areas act as a natural filter for pollutants, sediments and excess nutrients from ground and surface water.
6. When on the water, avoid travelling through oyster leases or tying up to marker posts. This can damage infrastructure that is expensive to repair and replace.
7. Adhere to no wake zones. Follow safe boating practices. Waves destroy shorelines and increase erosion.
8. Do not dispose of any waste into the estuary. This includes litter as well as human waste. No-one likes a floater, be a good boater.
9. Report pollution incidents to NSW EPA Environment Line on 131555.
10. Buy oysters from a reputable source. Oyster theft is illegal and carries significant penalties. Oysters sold through the black market are not quality assured and pose a risk to human health.
6. When on the water, avoid travelling through oyster leases or tying up to marker posts. This can damage infrastructure that is expensive to repair and replace.
7. Adhere to no wake zones. Follow safe boating practices. Waves destroy shorelines and increase erosion.
8. Do not dispose of any waste into the estuary. This includes litter as well as human waste. No-one likes a floater, be a good boater.
9. Report pollution incidents to NSW EPA Environment Line on 131555.
10. Buy oysters from a reputable source. Oyster theft is illegal and carries significant penalties. Oysters sold through the black market are not quality assured and pose a risk to human health.