It is free to advertise items for sale, or items that you want. This could include equipment, oysters (of all sizes), businesses or services. Please send through details via email to [email protected] or call 0456935998. Please limit your description to 100 words or less, and remember to include any contact details. You may also include photos with your post. Please advise if your item has sold so we can take it off the list.
Things have moved around a little around here. The classifieds are now split into four distinct groups (to access these click the pointing down arrow next to the classified tab and the other four tabs should become visible):
For sale - this is mainly for second-hand gear that is for sale (e.g. graders, baskets, punts), wild-caught spat sold by oyster farmers, leases and oyster farms etc.
Wanted to buy - for people seeking specific things to buy
Suppliers - this ranges from gear suppliers to graders, hatchery spat, to cool rooms etc.
Services - samples/analytical services, farm management technology, insurance, lawyers, etc.
I hope this will make it easier for people to find what they are looking for, and help me maintain the site a bit better by listing ads in their specific categories. Please note, it is your responsibility when listing in the classifieds to notify me when the item has sold. Particularly the For Sale section will be monitored frequently and ads older than 3-6 months will be deleted automatically, unless notified that they are still current. This is to avoid clogging the classifieds with old ads that are no longer current. Please reach out to me with any concerns or feedback.
Things have moved around a little around here. The classifieds are now split into four distinct groups (to access these click the pointing down arrow next to the classified tab and the other four tabs should become visible):
For sale - this is mainly for second-hand gear that is for sale (e.g. graders, baskets, punts), wild-caught spat sold by oyster farmers, leases and oyster farms etc.
Wanted to buy - for people seeking specific things to buy
Suppliers - this ranges from gear suppliers to graders, hatchery spat, to cool rooms etc.
Services - samples/analytical services, farm management technology, insurance, lawyers, etc.
I hope this will make it easier for people to find what they are looking for, and help me maintain the site a bit better by listing ads in their specific categories. Please note, it is your responsibility when listing in the classifieds to notify me when the item has sold. Particularly the For Sale section will be monitored frequently and ads older than 3-6 months will be deleted automatically, unless notified that they are still current. This is to avoid clogging the classifieds with old ads that are no longer current. Please reach out to me with any concerns or feedback.